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Technology to reduce food waste in cold chain facilities

Approximately 14% of the total food produced for human consumption is lost, with an additional 17% being wasted This amount of food waste could potentially feed approximately one billion people globally. Ineffective refrigeration systems are responsible for around 526 million tonnes of food waste annually. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has aimed to reduce food waste by 50 % by 2030, underscoring the urgency and importance of effective cold chain management in combating food waste on a global scale.

#1 Why is cold chain management essential to reducing food waste?

Cold chain management is a key solution to address food loss and waste, guaranteeing that products maintain optimal and consistent temperature and humidity conditions throughout the entire journey from harvest to consumption. The food cold chain involves production, aggregation and storage, processing, marketing, distribution, and transportation of perishable food products. From harvest to consumers, fresh produce continues to metabolize resulting in degraded nutrient value and poor quality. The higher the temperature, the faster the natural degradation process will occur; a 10°C increase doubles the degradation rate. During this food cold chain process, temperature and humidity are regulated to preserve product quality and safety. The optimal storage temperatures of common perishable goods are as follows: dairy products (4°C), fish and marine products (-18°C), leafy vegetables and citrus fruits (0–2°C), tropical fruits (5–13°C), frozen vegetables (-18°C), and ice cream products (-29°C). A lower temperature implies that the shelf life will be longer. A lower temperature combined with the indication of a longer expiration date could reduce food waste for consumers. For example, we can store a packet of frozen vegetables or chicken wings for a longer time in our refrigerators at home. However, some fresh horticultural crops are susceptible to chilling injury below 10°C, especially tropical and sub-tropical crops. Inadequate temperature and humidity control results in waste.

The waste of perishable products occurs from excessive inventories. The excessively perishable products are needed to lower their marked price just before the sell-by date or be thrown away after the sell-by date. Product wastage with lower shelf life could be saved by reducing the lead time (from fields to customers), demand substitution (if the price of one commodity rises, inventory should be stocked by a substitute of a lower price), and limited assortments.

An investment in cold storage by suppliers would directly impact the shelf life of the products. In this manner, more financial benefits can be achieved than by continually increasing production to meet demands. However, establishing and maintaining cold storage units incurs high costs.

#2 How can technology help reduce waste in the cold supply chain?

Technology plays a crucial role in reducing waste in cold supply chains through various innovative solutions. Here are some ways technology can be utilized to minimize waste in cold supply chains:

Cold Chain Monitoring: Implementing sensor-based Internet of Things (IoT) technology for cold chain monitoring allows real-time tracking of temperature-sensitive products. This technology helps in maintaining optimal temperature conditions throughout the supply chain, preventing spoilage, and reducing food waste.

Data Analytics: Utilizing data analytics from IoT devices enables suppliers to monitor temperature fluctuations, identify breaks in the cold chain, and take proactive measures to mitigate issues. Real-time alerts and analytics help pinpoint temperature issues quickly, allowing for timely interventions to prevent product spoilage and waste.

Automation and Efficiency: Implementing automation technologies in cold supply chains can streamline processes, improve accuracy, and reduce human errors. Automated systems for temperature control, inventory management, and quality control can enhance operational efficiency, leading to less waste and improved product preservation.

#3 What solution does HyperAtmos offers in the cold storage management?

HyperAtmos’s EVAP represents a resilient, industrial-grade standalone system designed for continuous real-time and remote monitoring of temperature and humidity. Through our proprietary IoT platform, ‘HyperDash,’ EVAP offers end-users and clients real-time access to data. The threshold limits for temperature and humidity parameters are customized during installation to meet storage facility requirements. It provides standard connectivity options and wireless communication capabilities common in the industry. Any violations trigger alerts to the management team through both audible alarms and the online platform, enabling timely intervention to prevent product deterioration. EVAP is also equipped with a relay for any automation process. The visualisation of the real-time data on the environmental parameters allows the user to understand and analyse their environmental impact. Analysis of the real-time data with historical data helps in environmental data predictions and forecasting. Hyperdash generates automated reports data and allows the user to download reports in csv and pdf printable formats.

The basic model in the EVAP series is a temperature and humidity monitor. Advanced variants of the EVAP series are equipped with additional sensors, such as CO2 (carbon dioxide), NO2 (nitrogen oxide), CO (carbon monoxide), and particulate matter sensors, which include PM 2.5, PM 5, and PM 10.

Nitrogen gas (NO2) is used to increase the shelf life of apples in cold storage by reducing the concentration of oxygen and increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the storage atmosphere. This process, known as controlled atmosphere (CA) storage, slows down the respiration of apples and maintains their quality characteristics for a longer period of time. It is recommended to store apples in airtight storage chambers and reduce the normal 21% concentration of oxygen to 1-3% by flushing the storage room with nitrogen gas. The CO2 level of the air in the chamber should also be substantially increased from 0.04% to levels between 0.5-2.5%, depending on the cultivar.

#4 Benefits of implementing EVAP technology in today’s competitive cold chain markets

The EVAP series instruments employ state-of-the-art technology to monitor and regulate temperature, humidity and various other gas levels throughout the entire cold chain process. This ensures that perishable goods such as food and pharmaceuticals remain at optimal conditions from production to consumption.

By leveraging these advancements, businesses can:

  • Enhance Cold Chain Management: The EVAP series instruments provide real-time monitoring and precise control over temperature and humidity levels. This helps businesses maintain the integrity of their products and prevent spoilage during transportation and storage.
  • Reduce Food Waste: With better control over temperature and humidity, businesses can minimize food spoilage and waste along the cold chain. This not only saves money but also helps alleviate pressure on the environment by reducing the amount of food sent to landfills.
  • Improve Product Quality: Maintaining consistent temperature and humidity levels is essential for preserving the quality and freshness of perishable goods. The advanced features of the EVAP series instruments ensure that products reach consumers in optimal condition, leading to higher customer satisfaction and brand reputation.
  • Contribute to Sustainability: By reducing food waste and improving efficiency in the supply chain, businesses using EVAP series instruments contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly operation. This aligns with growing consumer demands for eco-conscious practices and can enhance the company’s image in the market.
  • Create a More Efficient Supply Chain Ecosystem: Optimizing cold chain management with EVAP series instruments leads to a more efficient supply chain ecosystem overall. Streamlining processes, reducing waste, and improving product quality translate into cost savings and increased competitiveness for businesses across the entire supply chain.


In summary, by embracing the technological advancements offered by the EVAP series instruments, businesses can unlock numerous benefits, ranging from improved cold chain management to enhanced sustainability and efficiency. This positions them for success in today’s competitive market while also contributing to a more sustainable future.